Welcome to the Listening Room – A Free Peer-to-Peer Support Group

Free Peer to Peer Support Group - Edmée Danan, MDThe Listening Room is a free, confidential peer-to-peer support group for medical and mental health providers open to any health care professionals working in the USA.  It is where to turn to when you need to connect with your peers to discuss the multiple challenges of treating patients

Offered on line: https://doxy.me/dredanan – HIPAA compliant telehealth platform.

  • The typical stress of working in health care is increasing, contributing to exhaustion, job dissatisfaction, a sense of disconnection and sometimes compassion fatigue.
  • Studies have shown that peer-to-peer support is an effective strategy to mitigate the emotional toll of practicing medicine and providing therapy.

Perhaps you feel isolated: turn to the Listening Room. You will connect with a small group of peers. Talking and listening to colleagues who understand the various challenges of taking care of patients in a safe, confidential and nonjudgmental space helps us to bounce back and work with renewed energy, joy and purpose.

Perhaps you think “How can I attend the Listening Room when I am so busy?”  Self-care is not selfish. It is like on a plane when you are instructed to put the oxygen mask on yourself first.

You will learn relaxing breathing and Mindfulness Meditation techniques known to improve well-being and quiet the mind and their practical applications to counteract stress at work.

Perhaps you feel disengaged: compassion fatigue happens to people who have empathy. In our groups we discuss burn out , difficult patient situations and strategies to balance professional and We share stories about meaningful patient interactions and rediscover our inner compassion.

The Listening Room is grounded in my experience as a clinician and mindfulness meditation practitioner.

Flexible schedule. Small groups. You can attend as often as time permits.

  • Weekly small groups of approximately 20 minutes with guided mindfulness practice.
  • Monthly get togethers of approximately 1 hour with a short presentation followed by a discussion and guided mindfulness practice.

To receive the Listening Room schedule please click on the contact form below:

Listening Room Contact Form